Saturday, July 23, 2011

Practicing Step Ten With Mindfulness

The book "Alcoholics Anonymous", promises that upon arriving at the tenth stage, sanity has returned. We "have entered the spirit world."

What does it mean to have entered the spirit world?

To answer that actually going to see the practice of the measures X and XI. The tenth step is about introspection. Looking inside to see the things we travel and work to eradicate them. The eleventh step tells us to use prayer and meditation to be closer to our higher power. It is through the practice of the eleventh stage, in particular meditation, improve the effectiveness of our tenth step.

There are many forms of meditation that can and are often invaluable. For example, reading a morning meditation and contemplating for some time can be a wonderful way to set the tone of his day, however, does not have the same benefit of a single meditation said. Samatha meditation techniques and Anapana work as concentrating the mind and cultivation of attention. The practice is exercised by Anapana sitting completely still and silent while focusing on breathing in a very small dot at the tip of the nose and above the upper lip. The practice in this way has many effects. Physiologically it has been shown that single-pointed meditation can change the brain physically. An article in "Meditation associated with improved cellular function" (link to article below) had this to say about the participants in a recent study

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