Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is the second novel by Jane Austen published during his lifetime. Apparently, in 1813, two years after Sense and Sensibility (1811). First version of the novel was "First Impressions" the title, written between 1796 and 1797. This first version was rejected. Austen widely reviewed and given the title of which is now world famous.

Criticism own Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen is that it was too light, and wanted to "Shading". Compared to its predecessor, Sense and Sensibility, in fact it is lighter in tone. There is not much humor and wit, with none of the dark passages that are in Sense and Sensibility. The most dramatic part of the novel is Lydia with Wickham running, but even that gives quite a bit of laughter.

A Tale of Two Sisters

The most interesting similarity between the first two published novels Austen is a literary device to contrast the different temperaments of two sisters. It is, of course, the temptation to think that the basis of these relationships is itself to her sister Cassandra Austen, also a close friend and confidant. Sense and Sensibility in the calm, rational Elinor Dashwood contrasted with his more emotional and impulsive sister, Marianne. In Pride and Prejudice's older sister, Jane Bennet is the most rational, calmer character, which is careful not to jump to conclusions. The older sister of the second and the star of the novel, Elizabeth Bennet, is impetuous and hasty something intellectually.

The main difference between Elinor Dashwood and Elizabeth Bennet is that the former is patience and sobriety. Elizabeth, by contrast, is fun. She gives the novel its life force. While Elizabeth has some serious misjudgments, it is intellectually. The novel has many funny scenes showing intellectual jousting with opponents of Elizabeth. Also encourage your fierce independence and absolute courage. When she learns that her beloved sister Jane is sick with a cold at the residence of Bingley, she insists on walking the three miles on foot, through mud and manure, to see that all is well. Or when the Gorgon, as Lady Catherine tries to scare Isabel to marry Darcy, Elizabeth makes clear that it will do exactly what they want. How applause reader along during these scenes.

The plot of Pride and Prejudice is well known, "First Impressions" the title pretty much explains everything. Isabel a few mistakes by the comments heard at a party of Mr. Darcy to be rude and abominable pride. Several twists and turns in the plot confirm and refute this "first impression", until Elizabeth has a bulb at the center of the novel, realize you have made a misjudgment devastating. 'Til this moment I do not know, "Isabel says the self-correcting itself.

Themes in Pride and Prejudice

The main theme of Pride and Prejudice seems to be the importance of self-discovery and need not be too proud in our judgments. Isabel initial emotion to feel a little self-clouds in their view, not allowing you to see the character of Darcy clearly. In this sense the novel is extraordinarily subtle analysis of the different layers of perception. Jane Austen wrote about a society very small and limited, but his gift was to look deeply, not broadly. A passage in chapter nine may explain how Austen's studio, where Elizabeth Bennet says that people are fascinating to observe because they are constantly changing.

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